A jokingly self-descriptive term used by half-Mexican, half-white people with a good sense of humor. Makes politically correct asswipes cringe and cry. Also makes my history teacher bust a nut laughing.
1. Me: Well, I got bean dip on my cracker.
PC drone: AUUGH! That is not nice to say!
Me: Did I say it was? No. But it's effing funny!
PC drone: *whimper*
by Kayl April 22, 2008
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When you have your girl eat a whole bunch of beans and then do her in the butt. Then you try to fish out the beans with your member and then use the beans in a dip and eat it with your partner.
Lyndell - "Honey what do you want to do for dinner tonight?"
Ashley - "I just thought we would stay in and have some Oakdale Bean Dip"
Dave - "Oh!!! Can I have some?!?"
by BigDikBandit May 4, 2010
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On April 12 you get to bean dip anyone of your choice. You may bean dip UNLIMITED times with no coming back. Prepare to be bean dipped!!!
by BeanDipKing69 April 12, 2018
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Similar to a dirty sanchez, except instead of wiping the fecal matter on her lip you fish hook the mouth of your partner and hold it in so they can taste the rainbow.
While i was doing Mary doggy style, i totally gave her a taste of juanitas special bean dip!
by DACIII July 3, 2007
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a phrase that is used to replace the phrase "son of a bitch mother fucker!"
Bob: Uhh, timmy, i accidentely ate ur fudgie brownie, sorry
Timmy: Son of a bean dipped mother frito!
Bob: Hey! That almost sounded dirty mister!
by Adam Carrizales June 30, 2008
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The act of flipping someone's nipple with your testicles. As opposed to a regular bean dip with your hand. Usually by surprise.
by Dajockamo May 6, 2017
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