1) a tiny doll who has the perfect body, but if you take those attributes and put them on a real woman, she looks disgusting with a long neck and a thin waste. has a perfect boyfriend, and a perfect little sister, a number of movies and merchindise

2)slang for barbeque
me: no other doll
would get their very own range
of school books
than barbie
by hippooo April 12, 2008
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The reason calling someone Barbie is an insult is because Barbie has no values or morals. She can't even keep one guy! She doesn't show anything about life, and gives of a horrid example. Barbie is supposed to teach young girls how to be? She teaches them to be sluts. She is the "perfect" girl, so little girls think they need to be like them. Barbie has such a small waist and such big breasts that she wouldn't be able to walk in real life. Her proportions are so out of wack that you can't be close to them. This teaches girls that they have to have big breasts and tiny waists and hips. When they get

older and relise they don't, they start bad habits or bad thinking about themselves. This perfect world? It's not a good example for young girls. We should be showing them that girls that aren't a D are pretty too. We should be showing them that you don't have to be pink! You can do things that guys do, you don't have to be a girly girl! Barbies are a horrendous invention. I like raggedy Ann better.
Barbie is a bad example. That's why it's an insult. No matter what age you are, there are always youngers looking up at you for an example of how they should act. So when you call them teenyboppers, guess who they got it from? That's right, you.
by Bettyboop^^ July 4, 2010
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A nickname for extremely attractive and hot person
hei Barbie,how's going?
by Viktorius August 23, 2008
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A drone that is obsessed with Nicki Minaj and believes that she created everything. They can be spotted by overdosing on pink, rocking bangs that cover their eyebrows, attempting to speak with an English accent, batting their lashes like idiots and writing "team minaj" on everything.
From an internet post:

MinajBarbie4Ever - "Nicki Minaj is the best rapper in history, she invented rap! Everything about her is real, she's never had ass injections! It's BARBIE BITCH!!!"

All replies to this post - Kill yourself you fuckin idiot.
by DevaKTA June 1, 2011
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A fake ass bitch (friendship wise, not in looks or surgeries, morally unsound)
Not a loyal pal
She's so fake we call her Barbie
by Omg who gives a frick August 12, 2017
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1) the stupid sickening little doll that brainwashes little girls into tennyboppers
2) A beautiful slut that wears too much makeup is bitchy, snobby, snotty stup up and makes decent people sick from their behaviour and show off all they've got
1) Mum bought me a new barbie doll today
2) He's only dating that barbie to get back at her
by aniblle April 4, 2006
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Basic Ass Ridiculous Bitches Imitating Everybody. Girls obsessed with trying to be like the rapper Nicki Minaj. Girls who wear a bob with a bag and make dumb voices and dumb faces. Girls who have no mind of their own " zombies". Plastic fake women, wannabes. Phrase made popular by Nicki Minaj of young money.
I'm such a Barbie" " I'm preppy Barbie" " I'm sassy Barbie" "it's barbie bitch
by Twinkles60628 December 1, 2010
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