A virtual game on Hypixel, oCyph is a addicted to maxing. He is bad.
oCyph mains arena brawl because hes bad
by thatsmygirlkiddy September 28, 2020
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Football played indoors on a 50-yard field played in the Spring so men don't sit on the couch watching Golden Girls until College and NFL football return in the Fall.
I have tickets on February 5th for the Arena Football game in Orlando.
by Lil' Mayo June 14, 2010
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1. a bodacious human specimen who uses his incredible physique to attract women.

2. a complete and utter idiot.
1.Wow, i got attracted again by another Jc Arenas wanna-be.

2. Oh my goodness, you ate another rubber doughnut? You're such a Jc Arenas.
by Jcs Lover March 8, 2005
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A bit of a loser, slightly shorter than average and often seen sparking on the dance floors.
Euurg; she's such a Sophie arena
by TJizzzzzzle January 5, 2015
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1. Fucking asshole that says "you cant sit here, some old dickhead has a fuckin season ticket

2. fuck fans

Def. 1, I was sitting down by the home bench, and this moustashed bastardick came over and said, you cant sit there, some old fucker has a season ticket here, what an arena dick.

Def. 2, Jacob Gervais-Chounard was sitting on the backup seat at the hockey game after getting pulled after giving up 7 goals, and some arena dick started to yell at him, and he got up and left the game and muttered "What an arena dick!" after the game Chouinard was seen signing autographs and beating up the arena dick with his goal stick.
Def. 1, I was sitting down by the home bench, and this moustashed bastardick came over and said, you cant sit there, some old fucker has a season ticket here, what an arena dick.
by KayvonIskaeon November 13, 2011
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a game commenly played by nerds and pedo's
haha u play stick arena u nerd!
by David galouber August 26, 2006
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n.,bed, bedroom or wherever you have sex.

This expression, so far as I know, was first used on "The Dating Game", the television game show.
Last night in the whoopie arena, will your partner say there was more harmonizing, compromizing or agonizing?"
by roger the fabricator February 6, 2004
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