THE thing to hide in.
What enables everyone to blame everyone else for what no-one wants to be responsible for.
Not being named or being able to be traced from a statement or action you comitted.
Anonymity - because no single one of us is as stupid cruel or irresponsible as all of us...
by number n July 24, 2009
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Cowards. A bunch of neurotic idiots who dedicate their lives to sending you hate mail/e-mail and don't even leave a forwarding address because they are scared you will chase them up about it.

I speak from experience. A story I had written was criticised by some idiot who left his name as "Anonymous" because he knew I would chase him up about it!
People who are "Anonymous" suck, if you haven't got the guts to leave your name, don't say what you have to say!
by Ash_K May 18, 2004
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"Anonymous just took down an entire website."
by SaintCray August 11, 2008
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Term used to describe someone who has yet to reveal their identity. Also someone (or a group) with one shit load of definitions in urban dictionary.
by Gumba Gumba February 25, 2004
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1.A group of amazing individuals who sigle handedly control 4chan and almost all of the internet

2. an unkown identity

c. awsome
Anonymous: We are legion we are one
newfag: STFU!
Anonymous: Die
newfag: Wh-*clunk*
by Joeinhemiervanshpitle March 20, 2008
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A group of Hackers on the internet. They aren't like the hackers you expect, they don't take passwords to innocent people's profiles. They are known for multiple things. They most recently hacked PSN (Playstation Multiplayer) because they "Treated the customers wrong"
Another thing they are doing is helping out the Turkish people. The Turkey Government has banned filesharing website and Youtube from the internet. Anonymous disagrees we that so they are trying to help the Turkish people.

And usually when someone is trying to explain Anonymous so D-Bag interrupts and says "Yeah those faggot ass bitch's took down PSN so I couldn't play for 3 weeks! They are faggots"
Which is not true since they try helping.
There saying is

We Are Anonymous
We Are Legion
We Do Not Forgive
We Do Not Forget
Expect Us

Anonymous aren't bad people just pretrial them as being douche bag hackers. When they clearly help whether it be harming someone on the Internet or not.

Fox news made them look like assholes that steal people's Myspace passwords which was not true.
Me - Aye, have you heard about this group of Hacktavists on the internet named Anonymous?

Unintelligent and Misinformed Person - Yeah those cunt's shut down PSN for 3 fucking weeks! I couldn't record my Quickscoping montage for youtube!

Me - So? have you heard about what they are doing for the Turkish people?

Unintelligent and Misinformed Person - No, they are faggot's so I don't pay attention to them except to make bad remarks about them.

Me - You know you should really pay attention to them..

Unintelligent and Misinformed Person - Why?

Me - The Turkish Government is banning websites like Youtube, Mediafire, FileFont.

Unintelligent and Misinformed Person - Oh, wow what does Anonymous have to do with any of this? And how am I supposed to put my Montage up if it will only get a few views?!?!

Me - They are trying to get the Turkish Government to lift the ban on these websites! And dude...

Unintelligent and Misinformed Person - What?

Me - You have 3 subscribers...
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(What Is The Plan sect) A specific part of Anon.

Not hackers on steroids, not asshole 14-year-olds, not virgin pedophiles. Not 4chan. Although we claim the same name and motto of the rest of Anonymous, our purpose is global revolution. We will succeed simply because we will not stop until we do.

Yes, many of us began on 4chan and other similar sites, but we are not the same anymore. We want change, and we will have it, no matter how long it takes.
"Your threats to arrest us are meaningless to us as you cannot arrest an idea."

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"We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us."
by APAnon September 9, 2011
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