A Nordic Queens of the ages.
Usually a woman but could apply
to a man if he has the proper swagger.
The qualities of this unique breed of human include but are not limited to: pale complexion, eyes that rape and pillage your soul (as the Vikings would have done to a small village),

superior music taste, very intellectual with subtle hints of ridiculous to maintain the delicate balance, voluptuous bosom,

hair of gold, Ruler of the theremin.
'Did you see her ?'
"yes! What a Nazel Bunches."
"If she Isn't a Nazel Bunches, I'm not interested."
by Angela diamondintheruff Jansen February 21, 2012
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Bunch of wild is a group of girls that are out and about looking for trouble
I was hanging out with my friend looking for some girls to fuck around with and and seen some walking out of a bar and said to my friend "there's a bunch of wild"
by The man bra February 9, 2020
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the bunch in your pants that makes it look like you have a crotch
suzy- its likes i have a penis in that picture

dionne- no man its just your crotch bunch!
by Emily, Emma and Lindsay November 10, 2008
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When your entire family consisting of large number of people show up at the same time and make a lot of noise.
I was having a relaxing dinner when the entire brady bunch showed up and stressed me out.
by Marty James 123 February 8, 2012
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This is when your boxers ride up and bunch around your balls and make you feel uncomfortable. The only way to sort this is to get right down there and pull them down!!!
Person 1: Omg!!!
Person 2: Whats up?
Person 1: I've got such a munch bunch!
Person 2: Well get your hands down there and sort it out!
by Stefan G January 23, 2008
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like the person is all worked up and angry and heated and stuff
dont get your undies in a bunch
by Karn Singh June 12, 2007
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1) A derogatory term for a group of people.
2) A group of masturbators.
"Cardio obviously got too carried away with his definition of bunch of wankers."
by Soiled Undergarment August 19, 2003
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