XAN PANKO Means Pro Player in turkish language.

Also means cool good
Wow man he/she is like "XAN Panko" damn!

He/She is playing (good/XAN Panko
by RIOT GAMES COMPANY February 15, 2020
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A rapper that has influenced many young girls and is very attractive. He is a talented rapper and people should listen to his songs more often.
Friend 1: hey did you here lil xans new song brainfreeze?
Friend 2: holy shit yes that song is fire and his voice makes it 10 x hotter than he alr is
by honestly bro August 13, 2018
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Houston is known as "Xan City" because of all the depressed teens popping xans
-Hey bro you hear lil peep is coming to xan city?
-Yeah all the bar tards are going
by 1023987654162878990 November 16, 2017
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lil xan syndrome is a fan who had been subdued to to much lil xan and becomes fucking autistic retarded and gey homosexual
Alex: bro lil xan is my dad uh uh jeffy uhhh
Trenton: bro u have lil xan syndrome u sped
Alex: fuck me
by 69Blackman69 August 4, 2018
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Also: Off Da Zans

Synonym for: Barred out

To be wasted on xanex, an anti-anxiety benzo that makes you act drunk but worse, especially if you take more than one
He fell off his skateboard, stumbling into the nearest person "dude are you okay?"

"Nah man I'm off da xans"
by gearsfearsandaviolin August 26, 2016
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