A dialect of the English language known for its use (and often over-use) of terms from Urban Dictionary as a substitute for colloquial terms.
Dude, quit speaking in Urbanics. Besides, Jenny's a total thrift whore...
by GogurtIsJustYogurt October 4, 2010
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Contraction of "Urban" and "Pioneer"

An URBANEER is an influencer/early-adopter within the Millennial Generation, establishing themselves as part of a live/work community in a city. They are part of the rising Creative Class, are usually described as Hipsters, and are leading the migration away from suburban living.
Chase moved from Brooklyn to Portland to Silverlake in, like, less than three years since almost-finishing at Swarthmore. He's a total Urbaneer.

He's all about his Macbook Air, his bike, and stealing wifi. That dude will never buy a house in the 'burbs.
by Millennials Matter January 26, 2014
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A ghetto fabulous individual with a wholatta street cred.
Da'Whonda: Jamarcus is thinks dat he so Urbanator 'cuz he got him some baby.

Mo'Ronnuh: He ain't Urbanator like Pimp-C. Dat's fo'sho.
by bankstarappa January 2, 2008
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urbanning: the process of looking things up on urban dictionary.com
NATE: hey dan what trollin
DAN: go look it up on urbandictionary.com
NATE: mother fucker is always urbanning
by Nate ex aka mob January 8, 2007
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Dubbed with urban, street, or hood-like characteristics;

but that doesnt mean it is hood or street - has nothing to do with thuggin it or keepin it 'gangsta'

It a style, swagger, way of life that represents the urban nation;

i DANG, that her swagger is hot; you know she's been urbanized! /i
www.urbanized.net or www.emptees.com
by urbanized-designz December 25, 2007
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The politically correct way to say black people. Corporate America still hates black people but calling them niggers will lead to boycotts. So to keep Jesse Jackson at bay some guy coined the word urban to describe all things related to black people.
CEO: We need to figure out a way to market our products to niggers.
VP: Err don't you mean Urban customers?
CEO: Yeah yeah whatever
by DirtyD79 December 28, 2005
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advervitising speak for "black". often used by the same type of middle class wanker says "coloured" and thinks there being PC.
" i dont want any urbans on my street, they all sell drugs anyway"

or "the urban music awards"

meaning "black" music.only they dont want to say it.because they're scared.
by Puck U May 4, 2005
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