verb - the act of fingering a girl and feeling your penis through the back of her vagina while having anal sex
Dave:Dude! i just pulled the back door pickle tickle on Jessica!

John:Holly shit man i didn't know she was that kinky, what a whore!
by dannytaytheplanman January 4, 2011
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Country term used in in describing oral sex
Every now and then I like to get my pickle tickled.
by C. Mack July 24, 2006
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The phrase used to confirm something when you are moderately indifferent to the actions of a friend who's mental faculties are questionable.
Person 1: So Im gonna ask Grey to marry me today.
Person 2: Didn't you just meet?
Person 1: So?
Person 2: Whatever floats your boat, tickles your pickle, pops your peach
by teenag-er January 1, 2013
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When you are completely roasted toasted and caught by surprise. A term you should not often use as you should always have an ace in your hole. Hopefully, when you do use this term, those around you will be so completely and utterly destroyed both physically, mentally, and spiritually that they'll bow down and worship you.
Teacher: "Did you say further? Further means more and you can't be even more of more; the proper term is 'farther!'"
You, me, or any enlightened child: "Well slap my ass and tickle my pickle, I'm going to kill myself!"

Thicc Boi: "WHO GOES NEXT? If he's on my left and he's on my right, WHOSE IN THE MIDDLE??
Enlightened one: "Well slap my ass and tickle my pickle he's got more chromosomes than me!"
by ExcitedTea December 20, 2018
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If a guy gives you a nickel you know what to do ;)
Guy: hey u wanna a nickel girl: ok... guy : uhh what are y- HEY so umm why did u just tickle my pickle cuz u gave me a nickel so nickel to tickle a pickle duh
by Aaron rawr man November 8, 2019
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A therapist for you after getting your Pickle Timpson tickled. For a nickel of course!!
Beanie: "How are you today?"

Jim: "Not good, My Pickle Timpson was tickled, I might need a tickle Pickle Timpson Therapist!"
by Pervert the Herbert July 21, 2023
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