the act of holding a female's head in the toilet and flushing following a blumkin.
"hey Gerv, how was your romantic evening with Becky last night?"

"it was ok, but then she started to use her teeth during my blumkin, so i had to give her the ol' dirty tsunami"
by Big Poppa69 March 7, 2008
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A series of negative events that come upon you either all at once or in rapid succession.
Man, last week I lost my job, my dog was hit by a car and my girlfriend left me. It was a real shit tsunami.
by Happy Gringo July 20, 2020
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a female genitalia that is overly wet . a tsunami is a natural disaster that causes a lot of water to come out this is why nicki minaj said this to describe her genitalia
last night was great she was cookie on tsunami her genitalia was wet all over like a tsunami
by starisha 344 October 1, 2017
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Porcelain Tsunami is when your fucking someone in the bathroom from behind near the Toilet and you grab them by the neck or Head and put there head in the toilet and Flush it with there face in it before Busting a Nut.
I just gave her a mean Porcelain Tsunami from the Rear.
by mike mike p. March 20, 2011
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An explosive bowel movement which usually will turn the cornhole inside-out. Typically, lifting the feet from the floor plastering the inside of the bowl with feces.
I was good dahn Mexico until I drank that water. I was sitting on the pot with a fecal tsunami the rest of the day. Shit was flying everywhere.
by Mizzlebwey January 29, 2014
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The inevitable urge to crap after drinking a cup of coffee, produced by the physiological effects of caffeine on the bowels. Usualy this urge comes on fast and strong, like an unstoppable rebel force.
Jake: "Why were you late to class this morning?"

Ben: "The caffeine tsunami hit on the drive to school. It was all I could do make it to the can."
by Waine Ker November 18, 2012
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tsunami-dere is the plural for tsundere which according to Gigguk translates to "A Fucking Nightmare".
Oh shit i am being chased by tsunami-dere!
by Thundergd February 3, 2017
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