A person who acts the same as his/her peers.
All the kids at my school are sheep, just trying to act cute.
by TheMagicalNoodle February 24, 2017
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A mammal known for their wool and distinctive 'baa'-ing noise. They are some of the most adorable little fluffy things ever created. Looking at them can make you feel better, even if it's in the short term. They're considered to be rather stupid, but, to be honest, when your life consists of baa, eat grass, sleep, repeat, do you need anything more?
Sheep: Baa!
Human in the area: Awww....
by GalactaK May 13, 2020
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A curly haired person who comes to your house for food then leaves to go hangout with friends
by MiowMen May 21, 2017
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"Sheeping" is another way of saying "A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing".

On the internet, this is referring to a person that instant messages, emails, chats or calls pretending to be someone else or a different gender than they really are.

They can be found in internet chat rooms or forums.

They will try to "disguise" themselves by using a female screen name and a color or font that implies "female".

A person that is sheeping will also email or post “fake” pics and claim they are their own.

Sheeping is also when a person wants others to think he/she is "new" to their chat room/forum.

Syntax and diction can/are specific to each person’s manner and personality therefore sheepers can be easily exposed.
"He is sheeping."
"He is not female he is pretending to be a female"

"That is Cynthia. She is sheeping. You can change your SN but you cant change the way you type. "

"She is sheeping. Those are'nt her pics. Those pics are on 11 websites. Unless of course she is a model."

"He is male not female. That insult is used more by men and scarcely by women. He is sheeping."
by SwtPnkKty December 6, 2011
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A internet gamer term for someone who believes Nintendo,no matter what.

Often used in Gamespot

Origin: If comes from the belief that Nintendo fans(The "sheep") will always follow Nintendo.(The "sheep's shepard)
Gamer 1: Nintendo suck! (This statement won't get you very far in gaming forums, don't try it)
Gamer 2: No they don't! They are LOADS better than M$/Sony/everyone! (Nor will this)
Gamer 1: Get lost sheep! (Nor will this, you'll a make lot a people mad if you say this in the wrong place)
by K-weave April 24, 2005
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A follower, usually follows around large crouds.
Doesnt talk much and laughs quietly but crazily at things that the cooler people in the group do. As they are jealous of their popularity. They are unlikely to ever be invited anywhere or for anyone to know their name.
That guy whos always at the back of the croud is a right sheep.
by John Dower May 8, 2008
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Sheep: Nature's Marshmallow.
A horned ruminant mammal, usually farmed for their wool. A close relative of the goat. Female: ewe, male: ram.
"Sheep are docile animals that mainly feed on 'pasture plants' such as grass, clover or forbs."
by Bobbert Mcgee April 16, 2010
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