1. A guy who might very well get laid a ton but will never pleasure fuck someone he knows is vulnerable. A nice guy is just as capable of casual sex as anyone else but he'll give you the heads up.

2. A guy who is usually very handsome and secure enough about himself to empathize with women. He might have problems fitting in for not betraying his values but he persists.

3.A man often derided by ugly jocks and stupid girls who equate the presence of empathy in a person with an absence of confidence.

4. A very cool, profound man who often possesses great artistic gifts. He may grow up to be a rockstar and laugh in the faces of the petty little shitheads who teased him for not fitting in.

5. A man who will kick your ass just as fast as any other if you mess with him but would not dare hit his wife or girlfriend.
That cool rocker was a nice guy who was opposed to sexism with a passion. I'll be damned if he didn't kick that jock shithead's ass though...
by Laertes June 27, 2007
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A male who claims to be nothing but nice and compassionate towards women and as a result feels he deserves acknowledgment from females but never gets any because in reality he is actually a douchebag for thinking that he is owed something just for being respectful and nice. That's called being a fucking decent human being, dummies, and no one owes you shit for that.
This guy thinks he's going to get some ass just because he's nice to me sometimes. What a stereotypical nice guy.
by amateurleader July 7, 2014
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The type of man preferred by normal, psychologically healthy women, such as those who inhabit places like Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe. However, the nice guy gets little play from modern Western women, due to them being deranged, mentally ill skanks who enjoy being used and abused by creeps and players.
Nice guys *do* get laid--just not by mentally ill skanks like most modern Western women are.
by sfgnjhsyjnwsrtjhnawr September 29, 2009
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Insecure men who are generally useless at everything, which is why they don't get girls. If a man is smart, confident, good-looking, ambitious, witty, AND nice, will he be called 'a nice guy'? No. He'll be called cute, or sexy, or any of a number of positive terms.

The 'nice guy' tag is left as a consolation prize for those useless bastards whose only redeeming quality is their niceness. These guys can't make women feel special (apart from being an emotional tampon), don't have the confidence or style to show that they're able and talented, and don't have any touch of charm or wit. In short, they can't really compete with other men because they're too hesitant and insecure.

Thus, they deliberately pander to attractive women whom they put on a pedestal, not out of genuine concern for women as friends, but because they secretly want some, and this is the only way in which they can really try and get some.

But women can smell this, so they tag them as nice guys: the perfect friends, and the worst of all possible lovers (serial killers aside).
Woman 1: That John, he's a nice guy and all, but...
Woman 1's friends all giggle in shared understanding.
by okcsk October 11, 2006
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There for girls who prefer to get slapped around by jocks and jerks and mistreated than to be treated right by a nice guy.

Note: the nice guy usually doesn't have the "hot" looks and body the girls are looking for. And the extreme charism and charm.
Hey, (insert a jocky boyfriend's name), come and screw me over instead; I don't wanna hang out with a Nice Guy who will treat me right forever!

Hey so you cheated on me, Brian? Cool I'll give you another chance. Better than the nice guy who never cheats right?

"Why can't he respect me for who I am once in a while!" yelled the cheerleader. Mr. Nice Guy, standing beside her, decided to comfort her and said, "It's okay. There are a lot more guys out there who are better than him. You deserve better. " "Screw that, I'll give him another chance. After all, he DID do some nice things to me. Someone who respects everyone for who they are, like you NG, is not someone who I deserve to spend my entire life with."

(Sarcasm intended)
by Melvin72091720 September 23, 2009
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A nice guy who always gets screwed at the end.
A nice guy whos friend is a girl who you happen to like talks about her problems but still stays with the douche bag shes going out with.
by beechnut July 23, 2006
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