Extreme pain to lower back region. Sometimes felt better after fingering butthole.
Samantha's sciatic nerve issues decreased when wiggling her finger in her butt.
by eye of the liger December 3, 2013
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A nerve crack is when someone has given up on everything, maybe because chronic and unresolved grief; unemployment; academic, occupational, and social stress; and ; deception from a loved one; and other sudden major life changes.
Mannnn!, I'm having a nerve crack " Cause its very hard to take a decisions , should i or should not , and why?
by ahtikin March 18, 2015
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An irritating factor that will soon become the last straw.
The Canadian is really workin my dick nerve today.

Freddy is on my last dick nerve.
by Jetlxix January 14, 2007
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an air biscuit so rank that it causes others to twitch and run covering their mouth.
Man, that mexican food has really tore my stomach up. I'm about to let out some serious nerve gas!
by Airius December 30, 2009
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something the americans do during wars when they shit there pants and fire on allies
hey kurt theres a dot on this here radar.."replie" my god chuck shoot at the bastard
by die american bastards die! March 11, 2004
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It's when your being cocky in a fight and someone hits you say:
Well, that stuck a nerve.

to show that, "oh look, i could hardly tell but i think this chap wants to fight me...."
by jason March 2, 2005
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When someone's being annoying and you're wishing they'd stop.
While travelling:
son: "are we there yet?"
father: "no"
son: "are we there yet?"
father: "you're getting on my nerves"
by grei_eba August 4, 2010
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