British comedy writer who co-wrote sitcoms such as The Office and Extras with Ricky Gervais. A great idol to many young and aspiring comedy writers. Has also won many awards and is recognised in the US.
Also known as the Oggmonster..
by Riteous Mango July 5, 2005
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A spoof merchant is a person who has similar characteristics to that of nineteenth century civilian, whose livelihood is dependent on his ability to create slight of hand or illusions, whilst creating some sort of distraction in order to rob an unsuspecting victim of their monies or valuable personal items.
"I just had my monacle stolen, from inside my jacket pocket!" proclaimed the wealthy middle-class gentleman. "He was most forthright in his questioning. He wanted to know where paddington station was. WHAT A little spoof Merchant he was!"
by Gregory Taylor December 24, 2007
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A quarterback that has a tendency to only hand out checkdown throws (quick, short passes to open receivers). Good defining characteristics are typically either averaging less than ten yards per completed pass, or 3-6 air yards per attempt.
Friend 1: Your quarterback sucks! He's only dishing out throws to the flats!

Friend 2: Yeah, I hate to say it but he's a checkdown merchant.
by Brok With No C January 22, 2023
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A person whose sole basis of winning is dependent on their superior internet connection. Lacking any real skill in the game, simply relying on Ethernet connection to win.
Wow I can’t take Chauncey’s wall ever! He really is a ping merchant!

Wow Chauncey has no shot delay, another example of his ping mercantilism!
by get_got February 15, 2022
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The undeterredcultists, following the lectures of the deity called "SsethTzeentach". It will grow by time and ruin the world economy by donating every bit of money to their divine lord.
A warm thanks to the many members of the merchants guild...
by YeetForHarambe January 21, 2021
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(verb) - when ronaldo scores goals in 2021 for manchester united
Noah: Look, Penchester United is losing to young boys, 2-1.

Liam: Well, yooo can bet that Tapinaldo probably put that lone goal home; the tap in merchant strikes again!

Noah: OOOpahhh!
by jimmy_was_a_stimulator September 14, 2021
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A world-famous beverage named after the great Larry "Vodka Breath" Merchant, former HBO Boxing commentator.

Regularly consumed amongst the global glitterati, it consists of two fingers of vodka dry and straight, traditionally served in a mustard glass. Usually runs you about $14.00 depending on the establishment.

Drink it between rounds.
"Would you like The Larry Merchant? You may get vodka breath but just have a mint."

"Barkeep! I'd like a Larry Merchant."

"Did you make sure everybody finished their Larry Merchants? The match is about to startz"
by TommyBoySelleck February 5, 2017
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