SpankyEgg: HAHA!! i pwned j00 with dual elites! j00 r sux0r
MoFFe: HRHRHRHR sux0r fgt maestro n00b
by kolea ^_^ September 11, 2003
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Whilst in the act of consuming alcohol, one who is dual wielding will be holding two different bottles. One bottle containing alcohol, of course; and the other being a good chaser.

Good examples are:

Rum and Coke.

Vodka and Orange Juice

and for all you hicks out there; A 40 and a bag of pretzels.

People who are inexperienced at drinking can not dual wield. It's completely impossible and is frowned upon by the elder drinkers in the room. No one likes a sloppy dual wielder.

However Dual wielding does a fair amount of skill, if you want to get really pro and do work like a man, throw the chaser on the ground and pound that alcohol.
Person 1: Haha, jake was dual wielding last night like a pro.
Person 2: No shit man, he has that steez down to a science.

Person 1: (*dual wields* and hands both bottles to friend)
Person 2: (*slaps person 1*, ignores the chaser and drinks like a fish)
by Ian "Do Work" Peterson April 30, 2007
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When a girl sits between two guys and jacks them off.
She was dual sticking
by snsjets July 24, 2008
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When you do two things at one time
Im Mining Stone to get rocks and clear out the land, Im Dual Tasking.
by Hoodini2209 March 3, 2021
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After a night of dipping your dilly-wag multiple times, the love-juice excretions solidify on the Willy's eye... When nature calls (usually sooner if alcohol is involved), the male cautiously prepares to expel the undesired kidney extract (usually in a toilet). If lucky, a dual stream is presented. The goal is then to manage both streams for as long as possible without...
1) Collapsing the stream, thus 'Crossing the Streams', which is extremely bad!
2) Wielding any of the streams off-target. If the streams get too wide for the bowl, you fail!
The other night I held a dual stream for 25 seconds, both with equal power and no collapse!
by deadlock_timeout February 6, 2010
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During male urination: The phenomenon of two separate streams of urine exiting as a result of the two sides of the external urethra sticking together at one point.
Hey man, I took a leak before, I was hitting the bowl, then i look down and see i'm peeing on my foot at the same time!

Dude! you've got dual plumbing!
by toilet_master March 11, 2005
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A sexual orientation in which a member of both sexes must be present in addition to a dual-sexual individual in a sexual scenario for that dual-sexual individual to become sexually aroused. Members of both sexes do not need to participate, but simply be present. For example, a dual-sexual individual could be intimate with a woman, but only if another man is present. This other man could simply sit in the corner and read the newspaper, but so long as he is there the dual-sexual individual will become aroused.
He's dual-sexual! He's not gay, but he needs a dude there to get in the mood!
by Condor Jenkins March 7, 2011
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