She’s adorable. She’s hilarious. She’s your best friend. She holds you up even when she is falling apart too. She’s always the ride or die and she’s always by your side.
Anna is the forever friend.
by youraveragestoner October 20, 2018
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A now comonly English name, deriving from 'Grace'. Parents adopt this name when they realise they give birth to something truly beautiful.
Queen Anna Lance.
the first blonde queen of ireland
by JaAnMnEs October 1, 2008
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The subject of the Arthur Alexander song as well as the remake by The Beatles.The best "Annas" come from the South. Anna is a unique name that can be spelled the same forwards & backwards; Anna - annA. See? The name is simple & elegant, which is a good description of females named Anna. Elegant & exciting. Simple & undefined. Traditional & radical.
- "Hi. What's your name?"
- "Anna"
- "Anna?!?!?!"
- "Yes... Anna."
- "Oh my goodness that is the most awesome name I've ever heard in my LIFE!"
- "Why thank you."
- "NO! Thank YOU! For allowing me to meet you, Anna!"
by AnBlCu June 7, 2006
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a crazy girl that always smiles!
anna is anna apparent ly this definition need to be longer... ahh i think that will do.
by kirk!!! June 12, 2005
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the hottest girl ever. a word describing the prettiest girl you have ever seen
"hello lindsay anna"
"im gonna name my daughter anna"
by Mr.Man April 23, 2006
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A strange specimen of a human. She licked a pole and claimed it tasted like a chicken nugget and Owner of yeetus defeatus.
"Can I join yeetus defeatus" Asked Hayden.
"Dunno ask Anna she made it"Answered Me
by Paatrick Laadz February 14, 2019
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1. beautiful, hott,*sexy*, gorgeous, fine, babe
2. omnipotent, smart
3. SPUNKY, lively, outgoing
4. amazing, awesome, wonderful
5. perfect
"did you see anna? damn she's fine!"

"man, anna's one sexy babe!!"

"she's perfect"
by louielou May 15, 2006
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