Someone who claims to meticulously plan and enact everyday activities, only to spend all day doing nothing, browsing social media, etc.
“Why has Evan spent all day on instagram? I thought he had stuff to do!”
“Yeah, his task is to go on instagram. He’s a task fiend.”
by chillhead May 15, 2021
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Any task delegated to a newbie because A) Nobody wants to do it, and B) They're new
Toe sucking is best left to Stephen, because he likes it too much for it to be a bitch task
by Nightman2011 October 12, 2011
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The act of performing cunnilingus on a female. A colloquialism pertaining to a woman receiving a "blow job".
"Dude, last night I received an amazing MUNCH TASK. He was all like Om nom nom all over that shit."
by Fiddlewick May 29, 2013
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Multi-tasking X 10. A condition or operational level guaranteed to result in zero productivity, a vast array of mistakes, and a level of hyperactivity at which one can operate for only very short periods of time. Synonym: hyper-tasking.
While chaos-tasking the other day, I was riding my motorcycle in the high speed lane at rush hour, never dropped below 120, texting two of my friends, talking on my cell, and reading some statistical research on the way to school.

The only problem I had was reading the notes I wrote down while I was doing my chaos-tasking.
by Prof K June 16, 2008
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Similar to Halo, where you first get any type of multi-kill, ie: double, tripple... then on to overkill. To achieve this you must be doing more than two tasks of any sort because less that three is but mere multitasking.
Mac: Bro, the other night I was downing a beer and texting at the same time, then my buddy gives me a high-five right in the middle of all this cause some fine b*tches walked in.

Jesse: Damn son, you were over-tasking like a pro.

Mac: Straight up.
by PapaMpartier March 27, 2011
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You put your Scrotums (or ballsacks) to various tasks with your significant other to see if the male partner has been working their balls out, preparing for any kind of sexual intercourse.
babe, do you wanna go through stage 3 of ball tasking?
by choghies June 16, 2023
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Kind of like multitasking, but the person doing the tasks can only perform one at a time. This is completely unintentional. The faulty-tasker truly believes they are being efficient.
Quit faulty-tasking!
by Author1992 September 15, 2019
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