another way of saying "hes so gorgeous, I would like to take him to bed and make babies"
by booboobaby July 20, 2003
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When playing a guitar, you "Tap" a note by slamming on your fingers (hammer ons) and pulling the fingers off forcefully (Pull offs) repeatedly. Trills are done this way.

ALSO, double handed tapping, when playing a guitar with two hands on the fretboard
Look at Eddie Van Halen play eruption! That double handed tapping is amazing.
by Zipwolf June 24, 2005
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Taps - done by the tapping of your own shoulder or the shoulder of whoever has the rig. Signifies that you have next rip of the rig or device ( juul, pen, drop etc.)
Ryan “ taps on the pen” as Ryan taps Josh’s shoulder.

Josh passes pen or the rig to Ryan,
by Stapes123 July 21, 2018
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a pharse that is used to describe the involvement of sex.
(1) I tapped that ass last night!
(2) Tapping that ass yeah baby!
(3)He thought he could tap that bitch yesterday!
by Melissa A April 25, 2003
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When a guy sees someone attractive and wants to have sex with her!
Dang, I wanna tap that shit so bad man!
by Tyler B February 16, 2005
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