Amazing kind hearted boy. Amazing boyfriend and most of all best mate. If you have a crush on them ask them out they will probably say yes. Also they are cute
Omg he is soo cute

Must be a tj
by Unknownjessica October 17, 2020
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one bitch he weak as fuck and he thinks he is mike tyson
Tj is a bitch
by TVG2004 November 22, 2021
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TJ is short for Trim Job like when you get a haircut but don't cut off much hair. Usually only an inch or so.
Joe: You get a haircut Brett?
Brett: No man I just got a little TJ.
by Kevin Dobs February 23, 2008
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a warrior poet.

uses words and skills as magic to trick the eye and dazzle the mind into female orgasms.

also known as teej.

leaves a trail of blood guts and entrails in his competitors wake. and that's just at the club.

TJ: one who whales one himself because chicks aren't hot enough for him.
person 1: dude i totally heard that you had a mad crazy time last night...

Person 2: yes, it was TJ
by johnanna 84 March 26, 2011
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An annoying child who eats everything and that’s period.
Did he eat that omg such a Tj
by Markisha June 16, 2019
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