The final stage before vomiting violently. The swirling pool stage is your body’s natural way of warning you to remove yourself from the public eye and seek a toilet, waste bin or other discarding device.
"I'm gonna' have to go home mate. I'm in the swirling pool!"
by kristiano90 November 4, 2011
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To take anything of a chocolate substance and rub it around and inside of a person's anal cavity and/or rectal area
Example 1:

Jason: "Hey I heard you got her with that cocoa swirl last night."
Shaun: "You know it, man."

Example 2:

Willy Wonka: "Hey, Charlie, you ready for the cocoa swirl tonight?"
Charlie: "My body is ready."
by SUPERBLORP April 22, 2015
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To act like a monkey and then pass out unconscious as the result of too much GHB, a.k.a. "swirl."
After one two many swirls, Jake's swirled out at the party and ended up taking another trip to the ER.
by swirlmonster February 12, 2005
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The act of preforming oral sex on a woman of choice. Using a swirling motion of the tongue on the clitoris
Girl one: Oh my god during sex last night he went down on me and gave me an amazing swirl job.
Girl two: I could probably do it better.
by JoinMyImperfections April 1, 2016
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According to Ed Vincent a sex ed expert the infinite swirl is when a man and another man swirl their penis' around each other. There is no risk of STD. He also recommends front of penis into side of penis also no risk of STD.
Gay Guy 1: Wanna do the Infinite Swirl
Gay Guy 2: Sure theres no risk involved!
by Jackov Brolovski October 27, 2010
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When you insert your dick into someone's (male OR female) asshole and they shit on the dick with such force that it goes inside the tip. You then take it out and do the helicopter with your dick while peeing so that the poop inside of the penis comes out, creating the swirl. It is then sucked and licked clean of all remaining poop on the outside of the penis (or inside if they're brave enough.)
Yeah, me and Tom Cruise did The chocolate swirl yesterday at the orphanage, I was on the receiving end.
by DemetriusHalasborough January 21, 2022
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when a white person likes black ppl or the other way around (sexually of course).
That wigger is down with the swirl.
by Mr. Gooback October 11, 2004
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