Having no general morals nor personal values in regards to being extremely stingy, thinking much too high of one's self, and/or being unnecessarily rude especially when that person isn't worthy of any self respecting person's time.
Girl #1 - Hey, did you hear bout what KiKi said bout you?
Girl #2 - Yeah, she said my weave look like a pony wit no tail. I hate dat trick! (Rolls eyes)
Girl #1 - Girl you good, don't even worry bout huhh ol stank, basic ahh. She ratchet anyways!
by theblackbobbydrake October 11, 2012
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scent given off by someone stanky
yooooooou fuuuuuckin' STAAAAAAAANK

i hatechoo cuz you fuckin' stank!

by shit the clown March 18, 2004
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the smelly unshaven pubic area of a female
by kalil September 16, 2003
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A hoe who’s weird to everyone
Person1: why she ignoring us

Person2: cuz she stank tf
by Stank. January 27, 2022
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When you're smashing from behind and you slip it into her pooper really fast
I was with Rebecca the other night and things got freaky so i hit her with the stank.
by Mr. Stanky Stank June 24, 2017
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n. Often used to qualify the severity of a beat down.
"Hit me again Ike and this time, put some stank on it!"
by Jeebus July 18, 2003
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the term used for that sweet ass weed that everyone loves.
Last night, that boy had some o' dat' stank, and it was grrrrrrrrrrreat!!
by Edwardo January 22, 2005
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