(noun) quality of mind showing determination, motivation, energy, courage, enthusiasm, and boldness
by Spunk Fitness February 18, 2010
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spunk is a white liquid that shoots out your helmet on the dick its a bollocks of a fucking word one of my favourites too
are you cumming
do you mean the spunk way or the going somewhere way
ummmmmmm yeah are you cumming on i mean too the shop
hahahahaha you cummed
listen you punk o' spunk do you want some
will shut the fuck up you little zygote
by Jackroll March 31, 2006
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(noun) quality of mind showing enthusiasm, motivation, boldness, determination, energy, and courage.
by Spunk Fitness February 19, 2010
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to show up late to class multiple times a week, lie to teacher claiming that you were only helping a former student put a tampon in. claims to "hate people" too much. often the hated group of the class.
oh great, the god damn spunk's finally decided to show up to class.
by wwwkkklll May 20, 2019
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Acronym - Single Professional, Unmarried, No Kids

Used by bachelors who wish to avoid divorcees and single moms on dating sites and message boards.
28/M/spunk seeks femi-spunk for late night club hopping
by pentaphile May 3, 2009
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A label which involves being conceited, loving the rain, and the biggest part of all - wearing crazy make up all the time.
Spunk kid 1: you look soo spunk!
Spunk kid 2: thanks, i got this stuff from MAC, wanna go dance in the rain?
Spunk kid 3: Spunk kids will one day rule the world.
by Micah-Spunk January 10, 2006
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spazy drunk, whiter version of crunk
yo dude im bout to get spunk in da club
by emmanem May 3, 2005
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