Pig snouts that are barbecued for a long time. Crispy snoots are a regional favorite in St. Louis, Missouri. Usually smoked over hickory, and served with crispy trotters (pig feet) and deep fried ravioli.
The best crispy snoots I ever ate were from a place in East St. Louis that used beer in their BBQ sauce. Mmmm good!
by fugitive April 30, 2007
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A person who participates in either of these activities:

1) Stealing or "copping" goods, mainly alcoholic beverages, from family get-togethers, parties, and/or friends' houses.

2) A person who "plays" or goes after males/females that are either have girlfriends or are just plain off-limits for the hell of it, an action looked down upon by many.
Hey dude where'd you get that bottle of Captain from?
Yo I stole it from that party bro
You fuckin' snoot raptor!
by RandallTheThird September 21, 2009
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Use of cellophane as a compartment to snort hopes, dreams, and drugs.
Pull that snoot bag of those marbs.
by moosedoode April 3, 2015
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The snoot of an aircraft drooping to provide adequate vision for pilots.
Damn that plane has a droop snoot!

Dave, it's been 3 years. Please stop calling me or else I will be forced to put a restraining order on you.
by NiFag October 5, 2021
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An alternate term for a person's anus.

Popularized by the group The Frogs.
Here comes the watermelon seed up my snoot snout and that's your asshole, your snoot snout.
by Aristoi June 15, 2004
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