when someone is acting unusually suspicious. Many times used by white girls describing any guy wearing a hoodie.
Heather: did you just see that sketchy guy walking past us?
Debby: Yeah he looked like a creep lets get out of here!
by Lucyiswaycool December 4, 2016
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the debris left scattered around your house after a smokin session...bits of rizla, ripped fag buts, roach material...
shit, get rid of the sketch man, someone`s coming ...
by cdg May 11, 2003
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1)a place you dont want to go when doing something illegal because our ass is going to get caught

2)something you say after you almost get caught or see somone get caught. its like saying that was close
1)no we cant go over to Ani's house! that bitch is sketch!

2)Did you see you see Bobby get popped! SKETCH!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Kyla b August 23, 2007
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After you've taken drugs and are coming down from your high, you are indescribably depressed, paranoid and/or hallucinating.
Joe: Oh man, I'm sketching so bad right now.
Cindy: What did you do last night?
Joe: Popped E and snorted K.

Kyle: Why is Bob in the corner staring at the wall?
Molly: Oh, he's just going through sketch.
by Lily Fleur March 12, 2008
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A way of replacing cool.
Something that it very awesome.
Thats so Sketch!
Thats pretty sketchy.
by Mallory December 20, 2004
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sketch is a social group that is like punk but more weird they dye there hari crazy colors and get many piercings they wear clothes that will usually get people to look at them and think wtf are they gnna rob the store but they like scaring people and making people feal sketched out what separates them from punks is the way the are they don't goto party's or hangout with anyone much they usualy hang out in graveyards and always have storys about times they've gotten hurt never start a fight with a sketch cause they always are ready for a fight and they always have a knife or blade on them all they do for fun is cause chaos and fight
hey you see that guy hes a fuckin sketch
by thesketch666 April 4, 2011
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is when a person acts weird for the randomiest reason
by Randombutsurlynotsketch August 31, 2010
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