Able to lose your boner while having sex and is still able to cum
During sex Kyle gave me the shifty snake, he was hitting all my good spos
by Shifty snake February 3, 2017
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1) Any person of colour that either is untrustworthy, or looks untrustworthy.
2) Any coloured person who is very uncomfortable around police or authority.
1) Watch out for Tyrell the crack dealer, he one shifty nigger.
2) We got a shifty nigger down at the precinct, stole a TV from the old Johnson place.
by Billy Bob Bobson January 30, 2007
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James Anderson and the boys, also known as Connor, Michael, Ethan, Kai, Richie, and George. This SEC gang will jump you and make ya bleed.
OHHHHH shit here comes Shifty and the boys, hide yo weed and run.
by 6 and a half June 19, 2018
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when a man gently puts his teste into a females anus and the woman sucks it in and out creating a "shifty" noise and arouses the female to the point that she begins to make noises similar to that of a gerbil
dude that chick was bucknasty, she let me do the tony danza, arabian goggles, AND the shifty gerbil.
by lee brackett October 12, 2008
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An African American who at first appears normal but the slightest paranoia or calling them on their bull shit will quickly arouse them to brash actions.

"I can't believe that shifty nigger pulled a knife on me because I caught him shoplifting"

"That crack rock you sold me was bunk and now you are making threats! I knew better than to deal with shifty niggers"
by Christon January 24, 2007
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Any person with stereotypical Jewish traits such as curly black hair and glasses, who also acts shifty in everyday life and is a pain in the ass.
Man (insert jewish name) is a shifty jew because he took all the oreos.
by IanPerdy February 9, 2011
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Someone who is pretending to be your friend but who will turn you in for his own good by any chance at any given time.
In other words a backstabber, a rat or a snitch.
My work mate ask me to go have drink with him tonight to talk about problems he has with the boss and the company.
Due to similar problems I agreed and did have a drink and a pretty good chat with him that night, but the very next day I got fired because that shifty cunt told the boss all of what I told him last night.
Now he moved up to my previous position.
by Wulfie Woof Woof February 5, 2021
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