A pretty bad deal, expect less than a 1% return on your 12.4% payroll tax. Also, reduces the ability and incentive to save for retirement. Involves no creation of wealth, and the Supreme Court ruled that you have no right to social security funds, thus your benefits are highly politized. Maybe its time to start thinking about taking care of ourselves...
we would all be better off without this intergenerational redistribution of wealth
by youknow2 May 9, 2005
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1) A strategic move on the part of the United States Government made to take away the rights guaranteed by the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and brought about by the 9-11 terrorist act, and the first step toward globalization of the planet resulting in the new world order, and a perpetual state of martial law in the new millennium.
see also- fucked, conspiracy, GW Bush, forced labor
by jrh5356 April 15, 2005
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A feature of Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 that adds a better Firewall, automatic updates, and annoying alerts if you don't have anti-virus software installed.
Bill Gates: Liek omg!! Security Center rulezzzz!!!
Average user: Oh, do you mean that control panel that slows down your PC even more? That shit is trashed!
by Home slice May 21, 2005
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These people are a select group of high speed individuals. Their work is comparable to hell on earth. Can solve almost any problem. Their gear is tactically aquired and top of the line. Not to be confused with Sec Fo.
So I heard Security Forces made a giant snow dick ouside.
by ToboeRain December 21, 2016
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The inevitable glance you make in your rear view mirror upon passing a cop car, just to make sure he isn't going to make a U-turn and follow you; usually followed by a sigh of relief.
I passed that same cop just now, but I did a security glance to see if he was going to turn around.
by boomboomdollar February 21, 2008
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Putting a blockage on something; common phrases are:

securing YOUR lid: chastity, virginity, caution tape afront your 'woman hole'
securing HIS lid: use of a condom or other male birth control device
securing THE lid: the end of a long day; typically one that provokes fatigue and exhaustion
by AmyWinehouse223 July 28, 2011
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A term used by all three elements of a military force. The definition is different for each.

Navy: Make sure the building is tidy, and locked up before leaving.
Army: Take an enemy controlled building with force.
Air Force: Sign a three year lease with option to buy.
Army guy: Alright, we've got to secure the building!
Navy guy: Make sure you have the keys before we lock it.
Air Force guy: Where do I sign?
by ggfgt November 7, 2007
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