Sam is an amazing man with a great sense of humor. He can always make any girl laugh or smile. Also is amazing in bed if you can get him there. But if you do trust me you will be in for a good time. On top of that he is a sweet guy. He may have a hard exterior and may look angry sometimes but he's just focused. But I wouldn't want to piss him off. Makes an amazing boyfriend. He's the type of boyfriend that will do anything just to see you smile. Even if that means making a huge trip out of his way to see you. Or write you a letter telling you how much he loves you. Any girl would be lucky to have him. So if you have a Sam don't ever let him go. You will regret it.
1. Jessica: "dang that guy over there is sexy!"

Brianna: " yeah I know, his name is Sam"

Jessica: " Oh well that explains it."

Jessica: " I heard he's amazing in bed"

Brianna: " Thats true but only with his girlfriend.

Jessica: " Awh, man"

2. Sam to Jolene I love you babe, you are thee best girlfriend in the world!
by sweetthang123 August 25, 2010
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sam is the kind of boy you could just fall in love with. he often feels like he goes unnoticed, but really everyone is just too shy to tell him how important he is to them. he's got pretty eyes that often aren't appreciated because everyone pays attention to his beautiful curly brown hair. it's because of his charisma and strength that people grow a connection with him and want to be his friend. he is very skilled at forming new relationships however is often scared to talk to those he has known his whole life yet doesn't have a connection with, despite the fact that they are his perfect match.
"See that guy staring at the blue-eyed girl, his name is Sam and he's really hot"
by rbc cupid January 31, 2020
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An awkward boy or girl usually with brown or blonde hair. If you ever meet a Sam, never let them go. It may be the last one you meet. They have an amazing personality with stunning eyes and freckles like stars.
I made a friend today! He's a real Sam.
by xXSxnny_Sk13sXx March 30, 2019
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A girl who acts more like a guy then she does a girl.When hanging with the guys, shes one of the dudes, not a dudet. Normaly engangeing in the manly man activities aswell. The name Sam is shortend from Samantha. Hence helping with her boyish attitude.
Dude A: "Dude, look at her, shes just like the guys!"
Dude B: "Nope, shes just Sam."
by 19inchesofhillshirefarms October 25, 2009
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hit puberty when he was in the womb, works out every day, stupider than a five year old on crack, has soooo many std's he cannot even count them.
by Fred is shitty= November 1, 2019
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