Death Rowl is the Metalhead version of a "Freestyle Rap Battle" where 2 or more people gather in circle. Making up lyrics and literally screaming them at another. Often lyrics mock the person they are battleing. The audience judges which is more "hardcore" based on 'grittyness' of the voice, how long they last, speed, and lyrics (if they can understand them)

It is quite uncommon to see a death rowl. Growling is mostly used but Whispering,Specking and Raping can also be applied to one's technique (depending on what style of Metal they perfer)
kid: Death Rowl!
Metalhead: yeah, *screams words*
Metalhead 2: *screams words*
by biddy4993 April 26, 2006
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J.K Rowling is the author of the Harry Potter series and changed millions of lives!
by Undermyfelttippedquill December 24, 2011
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The extremely wealthy author of the Harry Potter series. Her books are entertaining, but her prose is unbearable.
Person 1: Who uses 'sanctimoniously' as an adverbial dialogue tag?
Person 2: J.K. Rowling, that's who.
by TheNuminous March 19, 2007
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A woman who makes much money off a certain creation of hers. She has trouble writing when she is married. See how long Book 5 took? 3 years. =X
That woman is such a J.K Rowling, she'll never finish the next book in the series!
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1. An feeble attempt made by story or character writers to renew interest in a dying media franchise by giving a character an uninteresting or useless trait which adds little no depth to their character, and usually used as a measure to conceal their impending failure or as an effort to bring diversity to a whitewash cast of characters.

Ironically, even though sales were peak for the series during this time, in 2007, Harry Potter writer J.K. Rowling revealed the sexuality of book character Dumbledore as being gay with an ass-pull wizard, receiving some backlash readers and fans alike arguing that she gave no real depth to his character up until the storyboarding of "Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindlewalde"

2. Taking definition 1 and following through with it because you managed to gain or already had enough traction to actually continue your franchise and write a full filling and deep story for such a character.
Example 1.
Guy 1: Bro, did you hear that news about Soldier from Overwatch being gay?
Guy 2: Yeah man, they pulled a fucking JK Rowling because they couldn't save their toxic community and gaming league, or nerf their fucking characters.
Guy 1: I stopped playing after they added that retarded hamster anyway.

Example 2.
Guy 1: Did you watch the last episode of Adventure Time?
Guy 2: Nah, I heard they pulled a JK Rowling by making Princess Bubblegum and Marceline lesbians.
Guy 1: They actually made a decent storyboard with their romance and the aftermath overall in the New seasons.
Guy 2: Alright, might give it a watch.
by Nachoooooooo January 9, 2019
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