1. Feeling of extreme disgust towards the outcome of the election; detestation; loathing.

2. A cause of evil; chaos.
The Obamanation caused the Republicans to riot in disgust.
by squidonesian November 7, 2008
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A nation that was built on a basically Christian foundation and is written to be basically accepting of all races and religions that has been mislead by such teachings into believe that having a black muslim as a leader (Obama) is alright. Also see "abomination." Generally found to be lead to ruin.
Chad: So, Brad, who are you going to vote for?
Brad: I don't know, Chad. Maybe Obama.
Chad: Omigosh Brad! You can't!
Brad: Why not?
Chad: It would be and OBAMANATION!
by Katherine G. February 14, 2008
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Mixed race offsprning of a black man and a trashy white woman.
Her parents disowned her after she started smoking crack and had that little Obamanation.
by BHO61 August 4, 2009
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The obamanation of Obama usually referring to his presidency or private life.

Extreme dislike of obama

--mock off of abomination
This presidency is an Obamanation.
What an Obamanation!
by Obamanation11111111 December 12, 2009
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The nation presided over by Barack Obama. ei. The United States of America
The U.S. is an Obamanation.
by dawno February 3, 2009
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Act of belittling a person of authority because of his race
You can obamanize me all you want, but I am still the one calling the shots here.
by badimag April 2, 2015
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Obamanize or Obamanized; The politically correct term to use in the place of "Nigger Rigged". Meaning; To fix or make repairs on something using whatever materials that are available in order to make the object, machine, automoble, toy, etc... somewhat functional. Used to describe something that has been rigged or repaired in an unusual or haphazard way using unconventional or improvised methods, tools, and materials.
We "Obamanized" the starter on our El Camino until we could drive it to the liquor store for a 40oz. Man look at that rusty ass redneck pickup truck. It is so Obamanized! See nigger rigged and jerry rigged.
by jdizzlefoshizzledog March 22, 2009
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