An extremely relative term meaning people outside of a given group. For example, furries will call non-furries normies, as will memers.
by thecolorthursday August 12, 2019
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A furry, preferably a nob furry.
"Wow so many furries around,"
"Haha yeah, look at that normie trying to fit in"
by BitchySpider March 4, 2019
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An uncultured person who doesn’t watch anime or play video games. All they care about is Netflix and Instagram. They try to catch up with new trends, but fail miserably. They don’t get references to jokes. Their favorite meme is Drake. They have no taste in cosplay. They only use photoshop to make themselves look prettier.
She’s such a normie
by CMBPK April 5, 2020
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Bandwagons that typically cannot think for themselves, and are typically the ones who spoil memes after spamming them.
These Normies need to bug off from our memes. They are a plague to what we hold dear.
by Kingdom Miracle November 30, 2020
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The reason why normies are so boreing is because they can only talk about stuff that is written for them.
by Dingish April 28, 2018
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A word used by delusional people thinking they're part of a usually-self-proclaimed elite group because they have different tastes to describe all others. This form of self-delusion is a social phenomenon thought to have risen out of 4chan used to describe non-channers who took their memes and made it mainstream, thus devaluing it in the "elite's" eyes and earning the "normies" their wrath and ire.

Has now evolved into a word used by any other similarly delusionally-superior groups e.g. hipsters vs normies, gamers vs normies, atheletes vs normies, intellectuals vs normies.
4channer A: The normies have taken another rare Pepe and made it mainstream!
4channer B: Yeah fuck'em!

A: Ugh look at Susan, she is doing well in life and posting all that shit on Facebook as if anyone cares.
B: Yeah girl, who cares if she's holding a normal job and has 2 children? What a normie.
by delorean99 July 10, 2017
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