A cop walking as opposed to driving. A cop driving is called "5.0" or "five-oh" whereas a cop walking is called a "9" or "nine." Apparently, the word "nine" is because typically intercity cops are issued a 9mm pistol, and the Highway Patrol cops used to drive Mustang 5.0s, so if they where in their car they'd be called "five-oh." However, this does not work as well when you assume (correctly so) that the phrase "five-oh" comes from the police reference from the TV show "Hawaii Five-0".
Reggie: "Man, lets light up."
Darius: "Hold up brother...I thought I saw some nines earlier walkin' around."
by ArticChile April 15, 2008
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Drinking nine beers after a 12 hour day ready to blow zero's on the breathalyzer in the morning. Common term in Australian fly in fly out slang.
"how many beers you had tonight mate?"
- "nine before nine, she'll be fine brother"
by Tommygun95 April 7, 2020
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A fuckin girl who acts like a dirty nucca
by Tom April 16, 2003
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The 411, or what's going on. Coined in rap generally by the great Eazy E.
"And the nine is I don't give a f*ck." "Yo what's the nine homie???" "That fool don't even know the nine on that."
by Topcat12 October 27, 2006
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A disagreeing way to say yes.
by sj0r April 27, 2003
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what i pack in my pockets every day roflmayonaise i go nowhere without my nine, one day i bust it out and they say "no keep the heat way from me rofl1!!!!!"
they were surrounding me but then i busted out my nine...
by teh mech June 17, 2003
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