29 definitions by sj0r

1) An ugly female that looks like a man.
I was just speaking to the queen of England. Damn that shim was bitchy!
by sj0r April 27, 2003
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She blows the Doodlesack good.
by sj0r December 10, 2003
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someone who is always seen with other people, with the simple concept of making that other person look good.
by sj0r April 27, 2003
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A penis that is very skinny. May be long or short. It is the opposite of a chode.
After swimming I always have a pinner
by sj0r April 27, 2003
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A meaningless word that is randomly yelled at any time to show
a) agression
b) short-term celebration
I killed 20 people with one shot on some first-person-sooting game. I jumped out of my seat and yelled "j0r!!"
by sj0r April 27, 2003
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