Nicole wears skirts and sweaters. It's just wrong. Especially during winter.
by Bossassbatch November 18, 2013
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A nicole is someone that love the dick. Highly motivated by black men swinging sledge hammers. Nicole is often not there real name only one they use to cover their identity unfortunately it does not cover you from the massively infected vaginas from the bum scrums they picked up last week at the pub.
Hey look that chicks being fucked in the pokie room. Thats so nicole
by doogington March 22, 2015
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A female who wears lesbian shorts, and her love for girls is so obvious she might as well get a tattoo of scissors on her forehead.
Tim: Dude, i saw two girls kissing
Juan: Oh god, more Nicoles?
by tim66tang September 13, 2011
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typically brown haired or brown eyed, sometimes blonde. a dreamer that gets annoyed easilly but will love you forever. when she falls in love, she's in love and never completely falls out of it. has many friends but feels alone. loves dirty jokes, witty but shy. a name you should remember
Nicole, you have a nasty mind but that was a good joke!
Nicole, we broke up, leave me alone.
by thecraze22 November 23, 2009
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Pretty cool girl.

But she talks too much, has a funny laugh and a jupiter sized head.
Orbitting, orbitting, orbitting...
Dude, what are you orbitting?
Nicole's head.
by cannacoop June 1, 2011
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Boy: I've got a new girlfriend called Nicole!
Friend: does she do anal?
Boy: How did you know?
Friend: Her name's Nicole.
by stfuunapahoe February 29, 2016
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