An outstandingly beautiful, extremely special, supermegafoxyawesomehot girl with a sublime mind and an enchanting smile.
"Dude, did you know that Luke is dating Natalie?"

"No way! How did a guy like Luke get a girl like Natalie?"

"The world may never know."
by PizzaAmerica October 22, 2009
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An amazing, beautiful, hot, best friend, who is an amazing person. She will go to the moon and back for you, just to get a hamburger.
Matt: Hey, doesn't Natalie have a nice ass?
by BillyBob20 September 24, 2011
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A very cool person. A Natalie is loved by everybody. She is too good for words to desctibe.
Natalie is extremely cool.
by Mayci May 22, 2005
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natalie has all the uwus for one person. Especially for boys named Jack
Man 1: that girl is cute
man 2: yeah but she's a natalie, she only has eyes for jack
by glucoseguardian November 4, 2019
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Greatest,funniest, sexiest, most classy girl you'll ever meet!
That girl is awesome! A true natalie!
by Mwal4 February 3, 2010
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The most beautiful and loving person i have ever met...i love her and she can be the best peroson ever

1. kind
2. loving
3. beautiful
4. sporty

my best friend has the qualities of a natalie
by gerva January 7, 2008
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Natalie is the sweetest girl you could ever meet. Natalie is tough but once you get to know her she is an angel. If you ever get to meet her your whole life will change for the better. She has a sassy side to her and that brings the fire to her personality. If you ever become her best friend it is Forever. She puts so much love and admiration toward her best friend. Natalie is so beautiful swear Natalie is an angel.
Natalie "Yo JJ we gonna go to the beach this weekend?'


Is that Natalie? She so beautiful!
by fhajsdfalkfja August 16, 2020
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