Ya Fred is a stupid lum, he never gets of the damn couch
by tdwgold February 14, 2021
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Lum is the greatest person you’ll ever meet. He will always take care of you and make sure you’re OK and never make you feel left out. He’s always putting a smile on your face even if sometimes his jokes aren’t funny. If you’re lucky enough to be his girlfriend, he will make you feel like the only girl in the world. He will always show much he appreciates you by showering you with kisses and calling you cute names. He is generous and thoughtful and you should feel lucky to have him in your life.
Elsa: omg Lum got me a telfeezy!!

Lum: cos im an island boiii
by torina shelda December 11, 2021
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Lum is the purest hearted human. He cares for everyone and would never make you feel left out. He’s always making you laugh. This man has got some dance moves up his sleeves so don’t be alarmed. Afteralll his names translates to ‘river’ so he definitely has rhythm. If you’re lucky enough for him to be your boyfriend, he’ll make you feel like the only girl in the world. His only weakness is that he is extremely ticklish, like super-hypersensitive ticklish, so be careful otherwise you’ll unleash the hulk.
Elsa: omg Lum got me a telfeezy he’s the best
Elsa: Lum is my favourite person <3
Lum: cos im an island boii
by torina shelda November 23, 2021
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an irish dumbass in the kkh community
show me your lum :MikeyLikey: :PlottingPork:
by cal with a lum March 25, 2022
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Chinese for like. Term commonly used in Chinese american slang on the east coast.
For example Ivan lums Tiffany.
by bigolldack July 12, 2017
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A term used to describe someone who will easily blow away in the wind
*50 MPH wind*

“Oi Lum don’t go outside today or you might get blown away by the wind”
by Anonymous444466 March 8, 2022
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Friend one: I’m going to make some Lum later want to help?

Friend two: I LOVE LUM
by Sandwich131313 April 6, 2022
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