L.ittle G.rand B.ig T.iny
An abbreviation for the above words. It’s a used to describe unknown size for something
Once I got the muffin I could not decide what the size was so I just thought LGBT
by FourForeFor4 May 13, 2019
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Internet slang for "Lets Get Bionicals Today" expressing the need to purchase bionicals that current day
Man 1: Bro LGBT
Man 2: Sure bro
by dogey6565 March 30, 2020
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A: what does LGBT stand for?
B: Luigi got big tiddies
A: ... nO
by owo hecc September 23, 2018
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The dumbest fucking thing ever, never be part of this shit
Look at this LGBT dumb fuck, his parents left him and he's gonna suicide any second cuz he has no friends
by YourMomIsPhat July 3, 2022
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