Keira is a very strong minded person. She doesn't like people seeing that she is hurt but only people close to her have ever seen her cry. She is sexy , beautiful and cute with an amazing body and a big back. She is talented and athletic and any boy is lucky to have her. She has quite long hair with hazel or blue eyes. She is also an amazing kisser. She is funny and doesn't like it when people start saying things about her , she can be aggressive and when she is I would run. She loves har family and best friend and would stick up for them no matter what. She can also be very emotional and can be the biggest bitch you have ever met. Her friends know she is the biggest bitch and she really doesn't care about this. She has lots of friends but a small circle of close friends and only has one best friend that's like a sister. You should always keep a keira with you because they are one of the most considerate and amazing people you will ever meet if you ever betray them you will lose them forever. They can be shy but is crazy when they are around friends and people they trust.
Boy1- " that's keira over there , she is well fit but shes a bitch but I like it"
Boy2- " ik who she is who doesn't and you can try to get with her"
by Keira<3 December 11, 2019
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An amazing friend. She’s super caring and will have your back 24/7. She may be a little passive aggressive sometimes but that’s only because she’s such a sweet person and doesn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. She has a huge addiction with propel water and kiwis
Man I wish I could be more like Keira
by ><NØ>< December 3, 2019
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An Uhhhhhhmazing girl, who is in love with an even more Uhhhhhhmazing guy.

& a ryan.... is just the most perfect boyfriend a girl could want!!
A perfect couple.
Woa, that keira is seriously in love with that ryan
by Keira <3 May 19, 2008
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One hot white girl with a huge ass and hella titties.
Damn, that girl over there looks like a Keira, her ass is too big to be white.
by Wntyrone07 May 14, 2017
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She's beautiful and kind. She is very good at art as well, she is someone you could listen to all night and not get tired of her stunning voice. She doesn't like girly clothes but she LOVES makeup. She has more of a weird and unusual aesthetic than most girls. She stands up for others and fights for what's right! If you're her best friend she'll tell you secrets that not even her FAMILY knows. So, find a best friend named Keira, they're also very funny :)
Person 1: Who is that cool girl over there?
Person 2: Omg that's my best friend, Keira
Person 1: Oh my- she's stunning
Person 2: Ikr?!
by RileyWindam_10839 May 5, 2022
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A random girl you can meet on Instagram.
Damn Keira, those are some good memes.
by Roplop__ December 15, 2021
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Keira is a beautiful girl that is very kind and shes not attractive to very many people and she has brown eyes and wears an size 9 in shoes
wow shes sexy

oh thats just Keira
by UrbanGirl329 May 13, 2019
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