simply perfection the coolest, most popular, most outgoing, funny, sexy ,most athletic people ever are named joe always the life of the party and everyone's bestfriend and the girls just cant stay away kinda guy , very laid back and can charm his way out of anything, and most people who have the name joe have a very very big dick !!
if i was perfect in every way my name would have to be joe
by big balla 24 July 8, 2009
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Fred: Joe robbed me.
Frad: Who is Joe?
by daysgoby October 13, 2019
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An Amazing person that is always ready to help. He's caring, friendly and funny. The type of person you can know for a week and its feels like you've known him forever.
A rare person to find, but when you have his friendship or loyalty, it will always be there unwaveringly

It is not easy to define a joe in words
I'm lucky to have Joe.

Yes, he's amazing
by Nyavene February 13, 2010
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