A boy who is a gamer that usually is rich/middle class and only wears sports brands also drinks gatorade and plays soccer.
by IloveemoboysandUrmom42069 March 15, 2022
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When a gamer drinks so much Gatorade that they start sweating Gatorade .
Man, he really got the Gatorade gank!
by BgjashHuhh April 10, 2022
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When you put an orange in your sexual partners asshole and drink the juice that comes out.
“Dude I wanted some orange juice so i gave my girl an orange gatorade
by doobie0321 October 4, 2017
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A pitch black turd that is a result of the coloring of drinking either purple or green colored sports drinks.
When I drink grape gatorade I always leave a gatorade shit in the toilet.
by Sooleyman December 30, 2010
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Salt sugar and water mixture used for rehydration.
Ugh I was stupid hungover this morning so i mixed up some ghetto Gatorade
by Anonymous3636 January 29, 2011
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Makeshift bong, usually made by burning holes into a plastic bottle with a lighter and then using hoses as downstems with bits of aluminium cut out for the CP
Mate, just get yourself a billy, those piece of shit gatorade bottles reek
by dr3wske3 March 30, 2022
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The same old Gatorade, but with bilingual labels and renamed flavors.
Gatorade Xtremo Mango Eléctrico = Gatorade Orange
¿está en ti? = is it in you?
by Lawdyo March 7, 2006
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