Used when talking about Horror Films when a character is clearly going to die soon. Inspired by the British Soap character Gail Platt who has had 4 out of her 5 husbands die.
He shouldn't have gone into that lock up garage. He's a Groom of Gail now.
by Corrieface November 12, 2020
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A funny person with a sometimes weird personality and finds some great friends. And is a terrible singer. But overall pretty great
Emma-gail should come back to history class
by AnOliviaRodrigoStanLOL November 24, 2021
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A woman who uses her special parts to seduce all genders. Often quite angry and strict with a violent tendencies
“Yo ya mam is a right Gail’s gash. How long you band in for? Did she give you that bruise?”
by Army man Paul October 27, 2019
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A person so stupid they consider themselves smarter than everyone. Usually lazy in nature and weak wristed. Continuously seeking praise and reward without expending effort or energy. A user of other humans.
This random person walked up to me and rubbed poop and gorrilla glue on me. they where being a total Shari gail
by Maliwhop September 16, 2018
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To steal someone's story, take over a conversation, or general diarrhea of the mouth.
I was trying to talk, and she kept gailing me! interrupt break in inject cut in cut off shortstop
by ladybizness July 13, 2013
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Abbi is one of the best people you’ll ever meet. She is funny, goofy and lovable and sooo adorable. She has shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes. She is gorgeous. She is athletic and very encouraging. I love you Abbi ❤️
by Linda and Heather December 9, 2021
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pogi, perfection, cool voice, faultlessness, immaculateness, supremacy, brilliance, guitar, art, knit, animation, pogi, charming, one in the cosmos, poetry, ;)) uwu
by sheepdog69 baby April 18, 2022
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