The ability to bag on another's mother without resulting in physical conflict.
Peter: I know everything, especially your mom's nice ass.
John: I enjoy our friendship.
by Pedro Scallywagon April 13, 2007
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A relationship between two people where one person agrees to make the other person's problems their own. More than often the agreement turns out to be one-sided. This includes lending money, giving rides, emotional support, listening to the other complain or just simply listening to and dealing with the other person's constant bullshit. In actuality, an official agreement was never made to do any of this. Rather a process takes place over time where one party is slowly manipulated into all of the above mentioned acts. Most of the time these relationships eventually end with the main supporter having had enough of the user's ways. However, there are occasionally more extreme cases where the relationship goes on for years, sometimes until death does them part, due to the supporter's own extreme stupidity. In some cases, the situation is so bad that the one party might actually be entitled to claim a dependant when doing their taxes.
"Hey, I know it's midnight and you're in the middle of drinking and having fun but would you stop what you're doing and drive me thirty minutes away to my house? Reason being, I left the cat locked in the bedroom and I need to let her out. Thanks, buddy. I really value our friendship".
by True Man True July 13, 2009
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two people who shop for groceries together
Ron: "Yo duder, I saw Chris and Tina shopping for groceries the other day at Giant."

Michael: "Friendship is such a precious commodity."
by PowerLevelOver9000 December 8, 2010
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Friends,the people you care about,but they dont care about you.
Its basically,they care about you,but they really don't because they're pieces of shit
by Foxhunter200~ShmolFox September 7, 2019
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Friendship is a important thing in life,if you want someone to be there for you have to be there for them.If you always cheer your friend up than you are a good friend.
Friendships can cheer you up in life.
by Sky moon3 February 28, 2019
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group of people who chill and yeet stuff around. They will hang out together and be friends forever.
i am part of this friendship.
by Dniel September 28, 2020
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bond that might make or break it. but it for sure changes you.
Friend 1: What ever happened to you and John?
Friend 2: It was a good friendship, but we had to go our separate ways.
by Ren! January 3, 2020
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