Catch-all term for any life threatening edible projectile be it a pineapple or a tomatoe (sic) - tip of the hat to Dan Quayle.

Used by candidates that are in reality hopeless snowflakes in an attempt to shield their lack of actual masculinity.
"We were worried about all sorts of fruitjectiles like pineapples and fatal tomatoes" said Donnie. "We were on Fruit-con level 5 after our intelligence reported several suspect bushels of produce near the exits. We had to -- and no -- it's dangerous -- but we had the security their and Keith does not tolerate that sort of stuff. He's great - so good - busting up tennis matches like no one has ever seen before"
by Kat'O9 April 30, 2022
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A fatal blow is like a MKX X-Ray, just way way worse. It is used for combat (kombat) in MK11. All characters have one.
(In game party0
Player1: "Haha your health is low"
Player2: "Well how about I use my Fatal Blow"
Player1: "Well shit"
by NetrxBox August 7, 2019
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Fatal attraction basically goes BEYOND normal attraction
for someone. It gets to the point where a person may
become morbidly infatuated with their love interest to the
point where it can get unhealthy and dangerous. If you find
yourself boiling may have a problem. See
Movie "Fatal Attraction." If you have fantasies of making
that special someone YOURS (envisioning raping them)
have issues. If you have comtemplated on killing those who
will get in the way of your happiness and want to get rid
of the competition...that is FATAL ATTRACTION. If you are
stalking your prey when they rejected you...that's FATAL
ATTRACTION. AT this are probally beyond help
and chances will be slammed with a restraining
order..but of course that won't stop you because your
CRAZY IN LOVE..and just plain crazy.
Adrien: "Joe won't leave me alone."
Helen: " told me that he went after you like a mad man because he thought you fucked James."
Adrien: "And the funny thing is ...I had already broke up with him..and yet it was like he wanted to do bodily harm..I am glad I got away. He is CRAZY!"
Helen: "It's like a scene from the movie "Fatal
Adrien: "Only this is MY LIFE...and I'm living in a real
fatal attraction scenario!!"
by Kaylani December 2, 2006
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An irresistibly attractive woman from India, or of Indian ethnicity, who has both intelligence and sex appeal and uses these attributes to manipulate poor men into doing what she wants.
by Mr. Bickle April 11, 2011
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A strutel that is given to one that has massive hemorrhoids, causing them to pop and bleed profusely, resulting in death.
Hey man, did you hear about Derrick? I heard Bill gave him a fatal strudel, and now he's dead.
by Dumas January 3, 2007
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The weakest link in whatever you do. Having or obtaining a weak spot in your life.
Bro #1: Bro, I totally went for a run and tripped and broke my entire body.

Bro #2: Dude, running is your fatal G.
by headout April 21, 2011
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