Hockey is the best sport in the world and anyone that thinks different is a soccer player.
Hockey is the best sport ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by KING_AQUAYT November 12, 2019
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Well, let me start off by saying hockey is one of the greatest spectator sports due to the occasional fights, hits etc. If you're playing hockey, what a rush. I've played hockey nearly my whole life and loved it not as a sport but as life. Hockey is the most thrilling and physical sport (football is physical, but you stop after every man hugs each other, baseball sucks plain and simple, soccer is soccer... Boring). Hockey is the greatest sport there really is. PS canadians aren't only the beat ones at hockey, I'm from America and recently played a canadian team... 6-1. Ha
When I was watching hockey the other night, I think I wet myself when Milan lucic put that guy through the glass.
by Caidentt1 April 2, 2009
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by GGCIICCIIOOTTII December 15, 2019
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To beat another team by a large margin, generally making a show of them.
The Red Sox hockeyed the Yankees last night, 15 runs to three
by Mark D Smith January 5, 2004
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for the sexiest, most bad ass, irish and canadian beer drinking, iron stomach, violence prone son of a bitches ever.
hockey beer lovers violence bad ass canadian
by bonniebruinsboston July 3, 2009
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