The holiday celebrated between a Jewish person and a Christian person. It falls between Hannukah and Christmas on a weekend. Eight gifts are exchanged, but all at one time.
Ruthie and Mary decided to exchange their gifts on Hanni-Claus day, which happened to fall on the Saturday after Hannukah this year.
by lap1126 October 14, 2010
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A made-up file in a law firm in the name of Mr S. Claus, used as an excuse by lawyers for slacking off or engaging in non-work related activities.
"You can bill that time spent drinking to the Claus file."
by Mrs Claus August 19, 2011
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The god worshiped by Carlos Santana
Santana worshiped Santana Claus and then ripped into a killer guitar solo.
by I am weed December 26, 2003
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Usually mistaken for panda claws, he is really the Chinese St. Nick.
Panda Claus landed on the roof with his Mitsubishi, and spread joy throughout the neighborhood with gifts of bowls of noodles.
by the Little Kid June 1, 2006
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When a married couple decide to spice up their love-making, they do the Santa Claus. This consists of the man sitting down in a Santa costume while the girl gets butt-sexed. She then proclaims, "I've been a naughty girl." and Santa says "I'm giving you a lump of coal this year." She then yells out "I'll give YOU a lump of coal!" and then proceeds to defecate on his penis.
Jeremy: "Let's spice up our sex life with the Santa Claus."
Korey: "Are you sure? We just ate Taco Bell..."
Jeremy: "Oh shit, let's do it on the tile then."

Keith: "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit. It's December 24th"
Vahid: "So what does that mean?"
Keith: "Santa Claus is coming to town tomorrow (winky face)"
by JJ Dahmski November 22, 2010
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The black cousin of Santa Claus, but instead of bringing presents, he robs you of house and home.
La'Shaunda: "Momma, momma, Cedric Claus musta' come las' night cuz our TV be gone!"
by bcktwngrl March 17, 2011
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A poorly groomed male that is grosky and in desperate need of a shower. Not only is he poorly groomed but he has a nappy beard attached to his unhygentic face. He appears to be a dirty and mistreated Santa Claus, therefore recieving the name of a Shanty Claus
"Dude did you see the way that man looked!?"

"Ya man, pretty ronchie!"

"I thought for a second it could be Santa Claus, then I realized that would be too good to be true... it was Shanty Claus."

"Ha, I don't want no Shanty Claus' coming down my chimney antime soon!"
by Scooptie Doo July 28, 2009
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