When the young people have more wax in their ears to sustain loud music.
Show’s on at 11! You gonna let me deal this ear capacity alone!?
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A city located in the thumb of Michigan located East of Imlay City and south of Ubly. One of the worst cities you can live in. You might find that more than half of the city is filled with rednecks, about 90% of Capac is filled with White people. Yet they all say the n word. Along with this, half are racist and a lot of these people attempt to be gangster and hood, though about less than a third of them actually are. The real hood kids are ghetto and try too hard to mask their hood accents. You may also find hoes here, many of the men are douchebags. The shittiest folks here were raised from babies to the adults they are now, while those who are decent may be found to come from other cities and live here for the shortest amount of time. Capac is filled with shittalkers, and the #1 hangout spot is the lions park where graffiti is strong. Almost everyone is a hypocrite and claim to be these amazing people by putting down others and hurting them. I lowkey hate it here.
If you heard of Capac or lived there, I feel bad for you.
by wildbills October 16, 2021
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the fine line between control and chaos - when a parent is scheduled so tightly they can accomplish seemingly impossible to do lists but one misstep and the whole house of cards comes down – getting the most done at the least cost (money, energy, quality, time)
Organized the class party, headed the fundraiser, went on the field trip and still had time to get a mani/pedi! She has been working at OptiMom Capacity all week. She won’t make it!
by unomesowell May 20, 2010
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I believe would be the Capacity of storage for all the mental relms/plains, dementions, multiverse dementions wich i believe would be unlimited space for the storage of the subconcieous workings and/of cosmic conections of all life and plains in and for a dementional multiverse that has allways existed and allways will unknown of how often a new universal demention is created whether it's by a slim chance evolution or/and by a/the creator each to their own I like the informative word "it" as anything can be called it and does not gender discriminate.
I believe my creators mental realm capacity is infinite leading to a never ending subconcieous and , and in my personal search for the answers of possible magic through thoughts existing as real on a plain of thought probably visible if you could see your thoughts.
by P0Ti0N November 26, 2015
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Alternative way of saying “You don’t have the balls
Jake Ryan lacks the testicular capacity to perform the motions of intercourse.
by razortazy February 4, 2021
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Much like the biology term: "Carrying Capacity". It is the most one can care about any particular situation.
"Oh, and also we're going to have balloons and watch movies and there will be cake. And omg Jimmy is invited and I hope he goes, but also-"

"Karen, stop. I've reached my Caring Capacity"
by I_aim_to.irritate October 6, 2015
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