the love of my life, the one i cherish, and hes loved so much by nicole which is mwa, kay well he lives far away from me, but i still love him wiht my heart adn so much more, adn idk i hope he has the feeling to just go look up his name on urbandictionary and find my definition becuase i love him wiht all my heart adn i know i fucked up but im so happy your still wiht me 11.15.07<3
nicole and brenden forever<3
my love for life, brenden
untill the end of time brenden i love you
by nicoleandbrenden January 2, 2008
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when your talking to someone and another person comes up to them, and they stop paying attention to you and start listening to the other person.
Person 1: I told that bitch like you don't even come here thooo and she-
Person 2 walks up: *says something unimportant*
Person 3: Bro thats crazy
Person 1: Are you even listening to me

Person 3: I'm sorry I'm more interested in what he has to say

(In this example person 1 got Brendened)
by Trevor worshiper January 19, 2020
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Anouther versatile word meaning cunt
it is commenly used in sentences around the world
1)Goeff is a brenden
2)your mom has a great brenden
3)this job is a complete brenden
by chad sallenbach April 13, 2007
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he couldn't ride Dumbo's flying elephant because he was very brenden
by Cinderalla March 5, 2007
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A guy who would rape a dog and fuck a tree and become a raper and would rape black people and BRENDEN is allways fat
BRENDEN is a nice person jk a hore
by Jkhore November 13, 2018
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Dirty Brenden is a term used to define such a Brenden who is down for anything. His sexy awkwardness just makes him more fuckable, and absolutely amazing in bed. He prefers more than one person at once, and the amount of sex toys he has for him AND his lady and man friends is just too many to count. Uses extra large condoms and barely even fits. (Will always surprise a Brenden when they find out) If you get the chance to fuck a Dirty Brenden you'll never have anything better.
Every person ever-"Wow have you seen how Dirty Brenden moves in bed?"
Those lucky someones- "Better yet, have you felt it?"
by AnyBetter April 15, 2020
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