When someone is so addicted to Brawl Stars that they don't want to expand their game library. These people usually avoid playing games like Clash of Clans or Jackbox.
POBY! I think you actually have Brawl Starsopea. Can you play this game with us, so we can have a fun time? :(.
by CoCplaya March 22, 2020
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A series hosted by Sir Cautious Walnut that stars Awesomemay in a battle where small animators need to compete for victory. The series is 3 episodes long and stars many small animators.
“Animator Brawl is a really cool series.”
“Damn, did you see that new Animator Brawl episode?”
by AnimatioNate September 1, 2022
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Brawl Stars is a Supercell Game that is very hot among teens and kids. You will get angry when playing in high trophies ranches and keep swearing at the pros. It is very hard to win and you will definitely break your phone. Brawl stars has the worst Wifi of any mobile games and it often "Red Wifi".
OH Did you swear when playing brawl stars
by Penguin pro 007 February 17, 2022
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An intense and dangerous fight between two fat girls hence the term "Hippo Brawl". Also known as Bitch Fight's fat ugly sister.
Ex.1 Damn bro did you see that hippo brawl the other day? those two were CRAZY

Ex.2 Hey man there's a hippo brawl later wanna come and watch?
by iamHacker. February 22, 2010
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A website dedicated to coming out of the closet and embracing you homosexual tendencies. The premiere "flaming" forums on the net.

Specifically dedicated to fetishists, brawl hall prides itself on being open to all "so called perversions". Scat, animal sex, large insertions, NONCEs, etc are all OK here.

Knowing that thier fight for equality cannot be won by staying on thier own forums, they frequent other like minded sites, apolyton.net, steersandqueers.com, etc. in order to spread thier love.

Overall a nice bunch of kids.
I done seen pics of scat on brawl hall!
by Hochwasserschutzbauwerk February 23, 2005
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When you and your friend attempt and struggle to push each other off the couch with your legs/feet. Laying on opposite ends of the ouch. Avoid breaking your mother's glass coffee table.
Yo let's brawl

No, let's leg brawl bro
by Peeeeeffjdk August 20, 2009
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