A real condition that real people have. Someone with aspergers(aspie) May be socially awkward, be an obsessive talker, miss social ques, sensitive emotionally, confused by figurative speech, be intensely creative, and tell the truth constantly, or be easily overwhelmed by light or sounds.

Although people with Asperger’s syndrome are more minor than other cases of autism, Aspies have to deal with bullying often in their lives.
“I think people with Aspergers Syndrome are treated poorly. That’s not right.”
by 🎵🎶🎵 January 13, 2019
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Asperger's syndrome is a neurological condition and developmental disorder categorized as an autism spectrum disorder. Symptoms of Asperger's syndrome, or AS, often manifest themselves as forms and examples of social ineptitude, such as: naivete; mild-ish difficulty communicating and expressing ideas, especially a.) to another person in person and/or b.) through the spoken word (this one is especially from personal experience); mild to *moderately* severe difficulty making eye contact due to the eyes showing a lot of emotion and telling exactly what the other person is feeling or thinking because our brains don't work that way; narrow-mindedness, to a certain degree; etc.

However, individuals with AS, frequently referred to as 'Aspies', often - not always, but often - have an IQ ranging from average to considerably high. "Symptoms" and advantages of such a high IQ resulting from AS include: a fascination with - almost obsession over - a specific topic (examples: Greek and/or Roman mythology/mythologies, dystopian science fiction, a specific period in history); very large vocabularies filled with sophisticated and sometimes kinda complicated words; knowing almost everything there is to know about their topic; being the most likely to succeed in all the nerdy careers so that everyone else can get to being superstars and supermodels and pop stars and other social icons that almost every neurologically typical teen idolizes; etc.
If the only people in the world were incredibly social, non-nerd/non-geek, not-even-really-fully-wanting-to-and-definitely-not-caring-about-learning-enough-to-get-into-college-to-get-a-science-or-law-or-something-like-that-degree-to-become-a-teacher-or-science-or-lawyer-or-something neurotypical, we wouldn't have any more new iPads or iPods or iPhones or anything like that, and no new social media sites or apps or good books to read.

Aren't you glad there are nerds and geeks and people with Asperger's syndrome to make Apple products and apps and social media stuff?
by HGF88 August 23, 2014
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A real-life mental disorder, related to autism, that only about 2-3% of people claiming to have it have actually been professionally diagnosed by a psychologist.

Sometimes known as "Ass Burgers". Sufferers (emphasis on sufferers) are sometimes calles Aspies or "ass pies".
Here's a protip: People with mental disorders usually don't brag about it like it's a badge of honor, especially a form of autism. It's always worth a good laugh to see every awkward, socially-inept, angsty teenager who has ever gotten beat up by the "jocks" in school claim to have Asperger's Syndrome to justify being an utter loser.
by radium March 21, 2006
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when a someone of a particular culture only hangs out with other people of the same culture
dude, i tried to talk to that chinese chick over there, but she wouldn't say much. maybe she's got cultural aspergers.
by kafkabro November 29, 2012
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A mild form of Autism that, most notably, stunts social interactions and/or makes them very awkward. People with Asperger's (abbreviated to AS) have trouble interacting with people, mostly out of fear that they'll make it awkward, or that they'll say something wrong.

Other symptoms of Asperger's include lack of eye contact, sensitive hearing, and obsessive behavior. Unfortunately, people also tend to self-diagnose themselves with Asperger's, trying to have an excuse for any social awkwardness they may experience.

Since people with Asperger's are normally terrified of the neurotypical (or nypical, if you want to use an Aspie's term) world, we tend to focus more on academic/non-social lifestyles. For example, we may focus on music, art, literature, or solo video game playing.
Since I was in 1st grade, I knew I had Asperger's Syndrome. However, now that I have an understanding as to what it is, I have a proper explanation as to why I've acted the way I have all my life, what with social awkwardness and fear of staring contests.
by DubsteppyNinja April 5, 2017
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An illness which can be defined as a mild form of Autism, but this mild form is enough to complicate someone's life entirely. The person suffers from lack of social skills, inability to read body language, use larger vocabulary than someone typical for their age, and have repeated interests and react very tragically to any change. They are often considered by other people their age as being a "weirdo", probably because they refuse to talk to ass-holes that can't accept their difficulty with a medical problem.
"My mother sees my Asperger syndrome as an impairment that has made me psycho. I disagree. I see it as a birth defect that I got while she was smoking meth during her pregnancy with me!"

"Craig Nichols, lead vocalist for The Vines, has Asperger Syndrome. He describes his situation with his family in the song "Spaceship"."
by hekifier March 29, 2009
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A very real condition which makes social activities more difficult, but does not account for a lack of emotions. Contrary to some people’s beliefs, you can be an actual diagnosed Aspie and be proud of it. It’s not something that all Aspies feel the need to hide, and that doesn’t make their condition any less real.
Jimmy: “Hey, Suzy has said she has Asperger’s Syndrome a few times, so it can’t possibly be true!”
Me: “Cut your bullshit! Everyone expresses themselves in different ways!”
by Laladadasasa January 8, 2019
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