People who have an unhealthy obsession with A-N-Y-O-N-E that was made famous with the help of the T.V show American or Canadian Idol.
"Wow! Clay Aiken, Kelly Clarkson, and Ruban Sandwich sure worked hard to get to where they are today...and they are SO musically talented!" Said the misinformed mainstream drag queen.

"I believe you have a serious case of Aiken-itious..." said the totally old school punk rocker.
by Joe December 26, 2005
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Clay Aiken? How do you define him? I think he's a guy who needs to search within and find out that he's gay! I'm glad Ruben won, he was way more talented. Clay Aiken is gay, what more can I say? I take it back, I LOVE HIM! He makes me quiver like jelly. Clay Aiken is some HOT piece of ASS.
by Carmalicious May 12, 2005
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the gay guy who dint win b/c of his gayness, tashie loves him tho b/c he found her and "attacked" her with a chainsaw, but she still loves him b/c hes gay
*see tashie* tashie loves clay aiken, that is so sad
by lexi & m March 10, 2005
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A school created in aiken meant to join all of the "smart" children together. If you go there, you're one of three types of students; really gay, athletic as hell, or the teacher's pet. Our school song is i want it that way so that's a bonus but we also don't have any sports so that's a big downside.
guy 1: oh you go to Aiken Scholars Academy?
guy 2: yeah it's crackhead central
by WhosJoe69 December 9, 2019
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Still another two lovebirds in our school (are they)?
Aiken: Guys, stop doing this to me
David: Nooo
Nathan: Aiken X Dora!
Liam: Bruh
by cool dude 09876543211234567890 December 19, 2021
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