Lindsey is an attractive, kinda weird girl who makes weird noises all the time. She is funny, sexy, and hard to stay away from for long periods of times. She loves making out with her stuffed animals, and her redneck accent comes out alot. But she is also the most amazing girl I have ever met, and she is worth waiting for. Although VERY emotional, she is a strong individual, and she can do anything she wants if she puts her mind to it. She plans on marrying a kid name Mathew and having 2 kids with him, boy and a girl, whose names will be called Pepito and Maria. She is currently in a long distance relationship, but she hopes that everything will work out great. She plans on seeing this kid one day, and hopefully have a future with him, but she is also very nervous. She is the most amazing girlfriend ever, and she always puts a smile on your face. She is perfect in everyway, and she is to die for. She is very loving and caring, and no other girl compares to Lindsey.
by DistantLove August 3, 2011
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She is a very attractive woman. She is very sweet.. sexy... and funny.. if you ever have the chance to love a lindsey... do it and never stop loving her. She has a very sexy ass and nice tities... she attracts every man on the street. She is also very clumsy and goofy In a good way.. she is also very flexible in bed. She can please a man every second in the bed.. she is so fucking sexy. She in in love with a guy named Blake the had a very massive dick and big balls. Love lindsey with all of your heart like her boyfriend Blake does💦
Lindsey is very sexy.
by Jdhcucdbdb May 21, 2017
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A girl who fake tans so much she looks like a oompa loompa.
"Ahh! Who's that oompa loompa looking thing in the corner?"

"Oh, that's just Lindsey."
by Kick Back Time April 23, 2010
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lindsey is a backstabbing bitch who will do anything for attention shes a slut and picks the wrong people to be with so over all shes a bitch from hell who is in love with a dick head
lindsey:my boyfriend doesnt do weed
lindseys boyfriend: i tell my gf i dont smoke weed but i totally do im so cool
by nobodyneedstoknow July 14, 2012
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Usually doesn't know what's going on. A little on the short side(usually about 5'3). She has green blue eyes and short dark hair. She has braces but not the nerdy kind. Her favorite color is usually orange. She loves Justin Bieber and Scotty McCreery. She's very random and can't sing, even though she thinks she can. She usually has a blackberry or an iPhone. She falls for guys pretty easy. She doesnt play any sports. Has many friends but a few best friends. She usually likes guys who's names start with a B or a C.
Caleb: Man I like Lindsey but Bryce won't let me date her!
Friend: Man that's messed up Lindseys great

Bryce: man I want Lindsey back!
Friend: dude get over it you dated in sixth and seventh grade
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