A clump of fecal matter (poo) stuck to the back of a man's testicles after an espicially messy session in the loo.
I had dingleberriess and karls everywhere last night after that vindaloo
by sanchezandjebus69 January 23, 2013
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An great guy ,who can create art of thin air, he is a player and Doesn't know it....
Is the most friendliest guy ever and has a lot of friends who are girls sooooo dont get jealous, But when you are his friends he can get annoying but he is funny Af ....
by Whatsittooyou December 20, 2016
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The Karl is someone who is just too real. He is the ultimate ladies man, and can do anything.
Oh man, today I was talking to the Karl, and he was just too real for me to handle.
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When an individual yearns for homo-erotic stimulation but refrains due to peer pressure or fear of social ramifications.
Person A: "Man, it's totally cool to be gay...".

Person B: "Yeah i know, he is acting like the karl"
by uncovering the truthisoutthere February 21, 2017
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He is an annoying closeted person who wears glasses to hide his identity. He is an attention seeker who partakes in furry-like activities.
The new boy is such a Karl.
by versaceflowerz March 4, 2019
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1. The mis-spelled version of a psychopath that fucking loves llamas. (Carl)
Bob- Hey, I'm goint to a llama convention on Tuesday.
Other Bob- Dude, you should totally take Karl(Carl)
by CuberCube October 25, 2012
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